Animation is great...
but the story leaves much to be desired. You could be a great member of a team, but the animation doesn't seem to have much to do with the story.
Animation is great...
but the story leaves much to be desired. You could be a great member of a team, but the animation doesn't seem to have much to do with the story.
The quality of that flash...outstanding! I can only imagine how long it took to make that.
The only thing I would change is to make the black bars at the top and bottom of the window extend all the way to the edges. That was pretty distracting, and it took away the "movie screen" feel.
Pretty good...
But it could use some english subtitles. Otherwise, it's great!
Besides sucking, the depiction of an erection at the end does not warrant the rating "Everyone."
thanks for bringing that to my attention, forgot about changing that setting. sorry you didnt enjoy it, maybe youll enjoy the actual comics instead (check some out on my ng page)
That was pretty good!
I liked the style of animation, and it was funny to boot! It's too bad you won't be making any more.
Not that funny, just kind of pointless
It was mostly just random stuff; it just wasn't that funny.
So true!
The hamster thing was a little weird, but otherwise it was great.
The relevance IS worthy of fear, so be warned.
Sakupen, you rock! First I saw Dad's Home and Dad's at Work, and I must say, you've done it again! Although, when I watched this movie on your website, the video and music weren't in sync by the end
Age 30, Male
Joined on 3/30/09